What is a Community Scholarship?

Community scholarships are meant to…

  • Support our mission to strengthen individuals and communities by providing free access to resources that foster mindfulness, healing, and reducing the harmful effects of stress.

  • Create greater access to those resources by keeping all programs free and by donation only by…

  • Providing support/funding for compassionate and altruistic individuals/groups seeking to actively participate and contribute to the community via service acts of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices of any kind.

  • Support those most marginalized in our community.

  • Support allyship through the conscientious and intentional dispersion of funds.

Examples of previous Community Scholarship offerings:

  • Yoga for Reproductive Freedom

  • Yoga of 12 Step Recovery

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Baby and Me Yoga

  • Yoga for Essential Workers

  • Yoga for BIPOC

  • Monthly meditations

  • Holistic Childbirth Education

  • Hiking for Yoga Healers

As an organization whose roots are in yoga, we do support a hearty tradition of yoga practices with our funding. That said, we believe fully in the integration of yoga in our everyday lives. Mindfulness implying much more than meditation, we know that there endless creative interpretations of what mindfulness and meditation can look like in practice. Please remain encouraged to apply even if your proposed idea originates outside of traditional yoga and meditation practices!

Applications are reviewed periodically, but always on a quarterly basis.  ANY APPLICATION SUBMITTED WILL BE REVIEWED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT QUARTER  BUT NO PROGRAMMING WILL TAKE PLACE UNTIL THE FOLLOWING QUARTER. In example: if you apply during Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar) your application would be reviewed early in Quarter 2 (April-June) but the earliest your program might begin would be in Quarter 3 (July-Oct). HMC reserves the right to schedule new programming when it is best suited for our organization. 

We thank you in advance for understanding that scheduling/logistics/promotion take human hands, eyes and time. HMC will firmly uphold a comitment to our employees and volunteers that they may live by our mission statement and be spared the undo stress associated with rushed plans. 

Please contact Andrea Panico at Andrea@heartlandmindfulness.org with any questions. .
